# ARIA Attributes


Since version 7.0.0 pagy has introduced a consistent set of ARIA compliant attributes in all its pagy*_nav helpers.

Pagy provides the customizable aria-label for the root element of its helpers. It is usually a nav element, but for the few helper styles that use a different root element, pagy adds a role="navigation" attribute to it.

The default string for the aria-label of the root element is "Page" / "Pages" (translated and pluralized according to the total page number). It's arguably a better description of the nav content than just "Pagination" (also difficult to translate in certain languages).

  • Links to the previous and next pages are rendered as "<" and ">" and are aria-labelled as translated "Previous" and "Next". You can edit both the link texts and the aria-labels by editing the pagy.prev, pagy.next, pagy.aria_label.prev and pagy.aria_label.next values in the locale files.
  • The page links don't have any aria-label attribute by design, because their text is a simple number (read by the readers in their native language) and an explicit attribute would be redundant and inefficient.
  • All the disabled links have the aria-disabled="true" attribute.
  • The current page is marked with the aria-current="page" attribute.
  • The role="link" is added to the link elements of the styles that don't use an a element or don't have a href attribute.