# Pagy::Calendar::Unit


This is the base class inherited by all the calendar units. This page documents the API for the units, however you should not need to use them directly because they are required and used internally by the extra.

The Pagy::Calendar::* subclasses provide time unit filters for the calendar extra

# Overview

The pagy Pagy::Calendar::* instances split a time period into pages of equal time unit. For example: with Pagy::Calendar::Year you will have one page per each different calendar year so each page can be filtered to contain all the records that fall into the specific page/year. The Pagy::Calendar::Quarter, Pagy::Calendar::Month, Pagy::Calendar::Week and Pagy::Calendar::Day classes have the same functions for their respective time units.

Each page is also conveniently labeled in the navigation bar with the specific Time period it refers to.

# Variables

Being subclasses of Pagy, the Pagy::Calendar::* classes share most of their superclass infrastructure and variables, however they use a completely different way to paginate (e.g.: no :count nor :limit variables) and they have a few extra core variables.

The following variables are specific to Pagy::Calendar::* instances:

Variable Description Default
:period Required two items Array with the calendar starting and ending local TimeWithZone objects nil
:order Order of pagination: it can be:asc or :desc :asc
:format String containing the strftime extendable format used for labelling (each subclass has its own default)

Notice: For the Pagy::Calendar::Quarter the :format variable can contain a non-standard %q format which is substituted with the quarter (1-4).

# DEFAULT variables

The calendar defaults are not part of the Pagy::DEFAULT variables. Each subclass has its own Pagy::Calendar::*::DEFAULT variable hash that you can set independently. See the pagy initializer file for details.

# Attribute Readers

Reader Description
from The local TimeWithZone of the start of the current page
to The local TimeWithZone of the end of the current page
order The :order variable

# About from and to objects

  • The from is the beginning of the current time unit. Notice that for the first page it falls BEFORE the starting of the :period.
  • The to is the beginning of the next time unit. Notice that for the last page it falls AFTER the ending of the :period.

The cases for first and last pages have no effect when you use the from/to as a collection filter, since the collection is already filtered by the :period so there are no records outside it.

# Time conversions

This classes can use the recommended ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone class or the ruby Time class for all their time calculations.

Since they are meant to be used in the UI, they use the user/server local time in order to make sense for the UI. For that reason their input (the :period variable) and output (the from and to accessors) are always local time.

If you use ActiveRecord, your app should set the Time.zone for your user or your server. Then you can convert an UTC time from the storage to a local TimeWithZone object for the calendar very easily with:


You can also convert from local to UTC time with local_time.utc, however, when you use it as an argument in a scope, ActiveRecord converts it for you.

# First weekday

Set the Date.beginning_of_week toto the symbol of the first day of the week (e.g. Date.beginning_of_week = :sunday). Notice the default is :monday consistently with the ISO-8601 standard (and Rails).

# Methods

This method uses the :format variable to generate the current page label with the specific TimeWithZone period it refers to. It accepts an optional :format keyword argument for overriding.

This method takes a page number argument (Integer or String) and uses the :format variable to generate its label with the specific Time period it refers to. It accepts an optional :format keyword argument for overriding.

# Custom units

You can define your own custom unit of any time length. For example you may want to add a unit of 2 months (i.e. a "bimester" unit), which should define a Pagy::Calendar::Bimester class.

In order to allow its full integration, you should also insert your :bimester unit symbol in the Pagy::Calendar::UNITS list, between :quarter and :month, which will keep the list in desc order of duration.

You can also implement your own custom substitution formats for your custom units, by overriding the label_for(page, opts).