

Allows you to test Pagy in an irb with an environment stubbed for you:

Standard pagination requires a: controller, model, view and request object to work i.e. you need an environment. Pagy::Console gives you that environment.

require 'pagy/console' include Pagy::Console pagy_extras :array, :metadata, ... ### then you can use it like inside an app pagy, items = pagy_array((1..1000).to_a, page: 3) => [#<Pagy:0x00007f59d9cd7190 @count=1000, @from=41, @in=20, @last=50, @limit=20, @next=4, @offset=40, @outset=0, @page=3, @prev=2, @to=60, @vars={:count_args=>[:all], :ends=>true, :limit=>20, :outset=>0, :page=>3, :page_param=>:page, :size=>7, :url=>"http://www.example.com/subdir", :metadata=>[:scaffold_url, :first_url, :prev_url, :page_url, :next_url, :last_url, :count, :page, :limit, :vars, :pages, :last, :in, :from, :to, :prev, :next, :series], :count=>1000}>, [41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60]] pagy_nav(pagy) => "<nav class=\"pagy nav\" aria-label=\"Pages\"><a href=\"http://www.example.com/subdir?page=2\" aria-label=\"Previous\">&lt;</a><a href=\"http://www.example.com/subdir?page=1\">1</a><a href=\"http://www.example.com/subdir?page=2\">2</a><a role=\"link\" aria-disabled=\"true\" aria-current=\"page\" class=\"current\">3</a><a href=\"http://www.example.com/subdir?page=4\">4</a><a href=\"http://www.example.com/subdir?page=5\">5</a><a role=\"link\" aria-disabled=\"true\" class=\"gap\">&hellip;</a><a href=\"http://www.example.com/subdir?page=50\">50</a><a href=\"http://www.example.com/subdir?page=4\" aria-label=\"Next\">&gt;</a></nav>" pagy_metadata(pagy) => { :scaffold_url => "http://www.example.com/subdir?page=__pagy_page__", :first_url => "http://www.example.com/subdir?page=1", :prev_url => "http://www.example.com/subdir?page=2", :page_url => "http://www.example.com/subdir?page=3", :next_url => "http://www.example.com/subdir?page=4", :last_url => "http://www.example.com/subdir?page=50", :count => 1000, :page => 3, :limit => 20, :vars => { :page => 3, :limit => 20, :outset => 0, :size => 7, :cycle => false, :count_args => [:all], :page_param => :page, :url => "http://www.example.com/subdir", :metadata => [:scaffold_url, :first_url, :prev_url, :page_url, :next_url, :last_url, :count, :page, :limit, :vars, :pages, :last, :in, :from, :to, :prev, :next, :series], :count => 1000 }, :pages => 50, :last => 50, :in => 20, :from => 41, :to => 60, :prev => 2, :next => 4, :series => [1, 2, "3", 4, 5, 6, 7] }

#Pagy::Console module

The pagy console uses the standalone extra and sets the Pagy::DEFAULT[:url] variable default to "http://www.example.com/subdir" in order to activate the standalone mode.

Include the module in your console window in order to include also the Pagy::Backend and Pagy::Frontend modules.


Simple utility method to save some typing in the console. It will require the extras arguments. For example:

pagy_extras :array, :bootstrap, :support, :headers, ...

You will be able to use any frontend or backend method implemented by pagy and the required extras right away.