# Items Extra


Allow the client to request a custom number of items per page with an optional selector UI. It is useful with APIs or user-customizable UIs.

It works also with the countless, searchkick, elasticsearch_rails and meilisearch extras.

# Synopsis

# Default usage

pagy.rb (initializer)
require 'pagy/extras/items' # works without further configuration
# enabled by default
@pagy, @records = pagy(collection)
# you can disable it explicitly for specific requests
@pagy, @records = pagy(collection, items_extra: false)

# Custom usage

pagy.rb (initializer)
# optionally disable it by default
Pagy::DEFAULT[:items_extra] = false # default true
# customize the defaults if you need to
Pagy::DEFAULT[:items_param] = :custom_param # default :items
Pagy::DEFAULT[:max_items]   = 200 # default 100
# disabled by default by the above Pagy::DEFAULT[:items_extras] = false
@pagy, @records = pagy(collection)
# explicitly enable it for specific requests
@pagy, @records = pagy(collection, items_extra: true)

See Javascript (only if you use the pagy_items_selector_js UI)

# Variables

Variable Description Default
:items_extra Enable or disable the feature true
:items_param The name of the items param used in the url. :items
:max_items The max items allowed to be requested. Set it to nil for no limit. 100

You can use the :items_extra variable to opt-out of the feature even when the extra is required.

This extra uses the :items_param variable to determine the param it should get the number of :items from.

The :max_items is used to cap the number of items to that max. It is set to 100 by default. If you don't want to limit the max requested number of items per page, you can set it to nil.

You may want to customize the variables. Depending on the scope of the customization, you have a couple of options:

As a global default:

pagy.rb (initializer)
Pagy::DEFAULT[:items_param] = :custom_param
Pagy::DEFAULT[:max_items]   = 50

For a single instance (overriding the global default):

pagy(collecton, items_param: :custom_param, max_items: 50)
Pagy.new(count: 100, items_param: :custom_param, max_items: 50)

# Methods

The items extra adds the pagy_items_selector_js helper to the Pagy::Frontend module.

This helper provides an items selector UI, which allows the user to select any arbitrary number of items per page (below the :max_items number) in a numeric input field. It looks like:

Show items per page

It returns an empty string if the :items_extra is false.

The method accepts also a few optional keyword arguments variables:

  • :id which adds the id HTML attribute to the nav tag
  • :item_name an already pluralized string that will be used in place of the default item/items
<%== pagy_items_selector_js(@pagy, item_name: 'Product'.pluralize(@pagy.count)) %>