# Overflow Extra


Allow easy handling of overflowing pages (i.e. requested page > count).

It internally rescues Pagy::OverflowError exceptions offering the following ready to use behaviors/modes: :empty_page, :last_page, and :exception.

# Synopsis

pagy.rb (initializer)
require 'pagy/extras/overflow'

# default :empty_page (other options :last_page and :exception )
Pagy::DEFAULT[:overflow] = :last_page

# OR
require 'pagy/countless'
require 'pagy/extras/overflow'

# default :empty_page (other option :exception )
Pagy::DEFAULT[:overflow] = :exception

# Variables

Variable Description Default
:overflow the modes in case of overflowing page (:last_page, :empty_page or :exception) :empty_page

Set the variables - either globally, or locally:

# globally: e,g, pagy.rb Initializer
Pagy::DEFAULT[:overflow] = :empty_page

# or for a single instance e.g. in a controller
@pagy, @records = pagy(scope, overflow: :empty_page)

# Modes

The modes accepted by the :overflow variable:

  • :empty_page
  • :last_page
  • :exception
Pagy instance example
# no exception passing an overflowing page
pagy = Pagy.new(count: 100, page: 100)

pagy.overflow?          #=> true
pagy.vars[:page]        #=> 100 (requested page)
pagy.page               #=> 100 (actual empty page)
pagy.last == pagy.page  #=> false
pagy.last               #=> 5
pagy.last == pagy.prev  #=> true (the prev page is the last page relative to the overflowing page)
pagy.next               #=> nil
pagy.limit              #=> 20 (Pagy::DEFAULT[:limit])
pagy.offset             #=> 1980
pagy.from               #=> 0
pagy.to                 #=> 0
pagy.series             #=>  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] (no string, so no current page highlighted in the UI)
Pagy::Countless instance example
require 'pagy/countless'
require 'pagy/extras/overflow'

pagy = Pagy::Countless.new(count: 100, page: 100).finalize(0)

pagy.overflow?          #=> true
pagy.vars[:page]        #=> 100 (requested page)
pagy.page               #=> 100 (actual empty page)
pagy.last == pagy.page  #=> false
pagy.last               #=> nil
pagy.last == pagy.prev  #=> true (but nil)
pagy.next               #=> nil
pagy.limit              #=> 20 (Pagy::DEFAULT[:limit])
pagy.offset             #=> 1980
pagy.from               #=> 0
pagy.to                 #=> 0
pagy.series             #=>  [] (no pages)
Pagy::Calendar::Month instance example
require 'pagy/calendar'
require 'pagy/extras/overflow'

Time.zone = 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)'
period    = [Time.zone.local(2021, 10, 21, 13, 18, 23, 0), Time.zone.local(2023, 11, 13, 15, 43, 40, 0)]
pagy      = Pagy::Calendar::Month.new(period:, page: 100)

pagy.overflow?          #=> true
pagy.vars[:page]        #=> 100 (requested page)
pagy.page               #=> 100 (actual empty page)
pagy.last == pagy.page  #=> false
pagy.last               #=> 26
pagy.last == pagy.prev  #=> true (the prev page is the last page relative to the overflowing page)
pagy.next               #=> nil
pagy.from               #=> Fri, 01 Dec 2023 00:00:00.000000000 EST -05:00 (end time of the final unit)
pagy.to                 #=> Fri, 01 Dec 2023 00:00:00.000000000 EST -05:00 (same as from: if used it gets no records)
pagy.series             #=>  [15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26] (no string, so no current page highlighted in the UI)

# small difference with order: :desc, which yield the same result of an empty page
pagy = Pagy::Calendar::Month.new(order: :desc, period:, page: 100)
pagy.from               #=> Fri, 01 Oct 2021 00:00:00.000000000 EDT -04:00 (start time of initial unit)
pagy.to                 #=> Fri, 01 Oct 2021 00:00:00.000000000 EDT -04:00 (same as from: if used it gets no records)

For example:

pagy = Pagy.new(count: 100, page: 100, overflow: :last_page)

pagy.overflow?          #=> true
pagy.vars[:page]        #=> 100 (requested page)
pagy.page               #=> 5   (current/last page)
pagy.last == pagy.page  #=> true
  pagy = Pagy.new(count: 100, page: 100, overflow: :exception)
rescue Pagy::OverflowError => e

# Methods

Use this method in order to know if the requested page is overflowing. The original requested page is available as pagy.vars[:page] (useful when used with the :last_page mode, in case you want to give some feedback about the rescue to the user/client).

# Errors

See How to handle Pagy::OverflowError exceptions