# Pagy Extra


Adds the pagy styled versions of the javascript-powered navs and a few other components to support countless or navless pagination (incremental, auto-incremental, infinite pagination).

Try it now!

# Synopsis

pagy.rb (initializer)
require 'pagy/extras/pagy'
View (helper)
<%== pagy_nav_js(@pagy, **vars) %>
<%== pagy_combo_nav_js(@pagy, **vars) %>
<%== pagy_prev_a(@pagy, **vars) %>
<%== pagy_next_a(@pagy, **vars) %>
<%== pagy_prev_link(@pagy, **vars) %>
<%== pagy_next_link(@pagy, **vars) %>
URL helpers
pagy_prev_url(@pagy, absolute: bool)
pagy_next_url(@pagy, absolute: bool)

See Javascript.

# Methods

See pagy_nav(pagy, **vars).

See Javascript Navs.

See Javascript Combo Navs.

See pagy_info(pagy, **vars).

Return the previous page URL string or nil. Useful to build minimalistic UIs that don't use nav bar links (e.g. countless extra).

Return the previous page URL string or nil. Useful to build minimalistic UIs that don't use nav bar links (e.g. countless extra).

Return the enabled/disabled previous page anchor tag. It is the same prev link string which is part of the pagy_nav helper.

Useful to build minimalistic helpers UIs that don't use nav bar links (e.g. countless extra).

Return the enabled/disabled next page anchor tag. It is the same next link string which is part of the pagy_nav helper.

Useful to build minimalistic helpers UIs that don't use nav bar links (e.g. countless extra).

Conditionally return the previous page link tag. Useful to add the link tag to the HTML head.

Conditionally return the next page link tag. Useful to add the link tag to the HTML head.

# Support for alternative pagination types and features

Besides the classic pagy*_nav pagination, the pagy*_nav_js and the pagy*_combo_nav_js UI components, Pagy offers a few helpers to support a few alternative types of pagination and related features.

# Countless

You can totally avoid one query per render by using the countless extra. It has a few limitation, but still supports navbar links (see also Pagy::Countless for more details).

# Navless/incremental

If you don't need the navbar you can just set the :size variable to an empty value and the page links will be skipped from the rendering. That works with Pagy and Pagy:Countless instances. All the *nav helpers will render only the prev and next links/buttons, allowing for a manual incremental pagination.

You can also use the pagy_prev_html, pagy_next_html mostly useful if you also use the countless extra.

Here is a basic example that uses pagy_countless (saving one query per render):

pagy.rb (initializer)
require 'pagy/extras/countless'
incremental (controller action)

def incremental
  @pagy, @records = pagy_countless(collection, anchor_string: 'data-remote="true"')
incremental.html.erb (template)
<div id="content">
  <table id="records_table">
    <%= render partial: 'page_items' %>
  <div id="div_next_link">
    <%= render partial: 'next_link' %>
_page_items.html.erb (partial)
<% @records.each do |record| %>
    <td><%= record.name %></td>
    <td><%= record.description %></td>
<% end %>
_next_link.html.erb (partial)
<!-- Wrapped in a "pagy" class to apply the pagy CSS style -->
<span id: 'next_link' class="pagy"><%== pagy_next_a(@pagy, text: 'More...') %><span>
incremental.js.erb (javascript template)
$('#records_table').append("<%= j(render 'page_items')%>");
$('#div_next_link').html("<%= j(render 'next_link') %>");

# Auto-incremental

Automatic incremental pagination (sometimes improperly called "infinite-scroll" pagination) is a UI-less pagination that loads the next page at the end of the listing.

Depending on your environment, there are a few ways to implement it. You can find a simple generic example below, or some more modern specific technique shown in the following posts:

For a plain old javascript example, we are going to use the same Incremental code above with just a couple of changes:

1. Hide the link in _next_link.html.erb by adding a style attribute:

_next_link.html.erb (partial)
<span style="display: none;"><%== pagy_next_a(@pagy, text: 'More...') %></span>

2. Add a javascript that will click the link when the listing-bottom appears in the viewport on load/resize/scroll. It will keep the page filled with results, one page at a time:

var loadNextPage = function() {
  if ($('#next_link a').data("loading")) { return }  // prevent multiple loading
  var wBottom  = $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height();
  var elBottom = $('#records_table').offset().top + $('#records_table').height();
  if (wBottom > elBottom) {
    $('#next_link a')[0].click();
    $('#next_link a').data("loading", true);

window.addEventListener('resize', loadNextPage);
window.addEventListener('scroll', loadNextPage);
window.addEventListener('load', loadNextPage);

# Circular/Infinite

This type of pagination sets the next page to 1 when the current page is the last page, allowing an infinite loop through the pages.

For example, it is often used to show a few suggestions of "similar products" in a horizontal stripe of just a few pages of a few items each. Clicking on next will continue to loop through.

For example:

Controller (action)
@pagy, @suggestions = pagy_countless(collection, count: 25, items: 5, cycle: true)

Passing a forced :count of 25 will generate 5 pages of 5 items each that will always have a next page. Regardless the actual collection count, you will show the first 25 items of the collection, looping in stripes of 5 items each.

You may want to combine it with something like:

<%== pagy_next_html(@pagy, text: 'More...') %>