# Quick Start

If you want to just try Pagy before using it in your own app, you have a couple of alternatives...

Interact with every method, helper and extra in a IRB console without any setup:

gem install pagy

...and use it without any app

# 1. Install

If you use Bundler, add the gem in the Gemfile, optionally avoiding the next major version with breaking changes ( see RubyGem Specifiers):

gem 'pagy', '~> 9.3' # omit patch digit

If you don't use Bundler, install and require the Pagy gem:

gem install pagy
Ruby file
require 'pagy'

# 2. Configure

Download the configuration file linked below and save it into the config/initializers dir

pagy.rb 9.49KB

Download the configuration file linked below and require it when your app starts

pagy.rb 9.49KB

# 3. Backend Setup

# Include the backend

include Pagy::Backend

# Use the pagy method

Controller action
@pagy, @records = pagy(Product.some_scope)

For search backends see: elasticsearch_rails, meilisearch, searchkick, ransack.

You may also use the calendar, countless, geared, incremental, auto-incremental, infinite and keyset pagination

# 4. Render the pagination

# Include the frontend

include Pagy::Frontend

# Use a fast helper

<%# Note the double equals sign "==" which marks the output as trusted and html safe: %>
<%== pagy_nav(@pagy) %>

# Pick a stylesheet or a CSS framework

  • For native pagy helpers (used also with tailwind), you can integrate the Pagy Stylesheets
  • For different CSS frameworks and different helpers (static, responsive, compact, etc.), you can look at the bootstrap, bulma extras

# Require the metadata extra

pagy.rb (initializer)
require 'pagy/extras/metadata'

# Add the metadata to your JSON response

Controller action
render json: { data: @records, pagy: pagy_metadata(@pagy, ...) }

# Consider using the Keyset pagination

Orders of magnitude faster on big data... see Pagy::Keyset

# Require the headers extra

pagy.rb (initializer)
require 'pagy/extras/headers'

# Add the pagination headers to your responses

after_action { pagy_headers_merge(@pagy) if @pagy }

# Render your JSON response as usual

Controller action
render json: { data: @records }