Quick Start
If you want to just try Pagy before using it in your own app, you have a couple of alternatives...
Try it now!
Run the interactive demo from your terminal:
gem install pagy
pagy demo
...and point your browser to
Interact with every method, helper and extra in a IRB console without any setup:
gem install pagy
...and use it without any app
1. Install
If you use Bundler, add the gem in the Gemfile, optionally avoiding the next major version with breaking changes ( see RubyGem Specifiers):
gem 'pagy', '~> 9.3' # omit patch digit
If you don't use Bundler, install and require the Pagy gem:
gem install pagy
require 'pagy'
2. Configure
Download the configuration file linked below and save it into the config/initializers
Download the configuration file linked below and require it when your app starts
Pagy doesn't load unnecessary code in your app!
Uncomment/edit the pagy.rb
file in order to explicitly require the extras you need and eventually customize the
static Pagy::DEFAULT
variables in the same file.
You can further customize the variables per instance, by explicitly passing any variable to the Pagy*.new
constructor or to
any pagy*
backend/controller method.
3. Backend Setup
Include the backend
include Pagy::Backend
Use the pagy
@pagy, @records = pagy(Product.some_scope)
For search backends see: elasticsearch_rails, meilisearch, searchkick, ransack.
You may also use the calendar, countless, geared, incremental, auto-incremental, infinite and keyset pagination
4. Render the pagination
Your pagination is rendered on the server
Include the frontend
include Pagy::Frontend
Use a fast helper
<%# Note the double equals sign "==" which marks the output as trusted and html safe: %>
<%== pagy_nav(@pagy) %>
Pick a stylesheet or a CSS framework
- For native pagy helpers (used also with tailwind), you can integrate the Pagy Stylesheets
- For different CSS frameworks and different helpers (static, responsive, compact, etc.), you can look at the bootstrap, bulma extras
Your pagination is rendered by Vue.js, react.js, ...
Require the metadata extra
require 'pagy/extras/metadata'
Add the metadata to your JSON response
render json: { data: @records, pagy: pagy_metadata(@pagy, ...) }
Your API is consumed by some client
Consider using the Keyset pagination
Orders of magnitude faster on big data... see Pagy::Keyset
Require the headers extra
require 'pagy/extras/headers'
Add the pagination headers to your responses
after_action { pagy_headers_merge(@pagy) if @pagy }
Render your JSON response as usual
render json: { data: @records }