flex-admin - Binary

This gem provides the flex-admin executable to dump, load and stat and eventually rename any elasticsearch index. It also provides a few rake tasks to do the same (see Rake Tasks), plus the live-reindex feature (see Live Reindex).

Notice: If you need to migrate data or alter the index while you have a live app that uses it, the flex live-reindexing feature may suit better to your need (see Live Reindex).

$ flex-admin --help
flex-admin 1.0.1 (c) 2012-2013 by Domizio Demichelis

        Generic binary tool to dump/load data from/to any elasticsearch index (no app needed).
        If you need to migrate data, use the flex live-reindexing.
        flex-admin <command> [options]
        dump    dumps the data from one or more elasticsearch indices
        load    loads a dumpfile
        stats   prints the full elasticsearch stats

    Notice: The load command will load the dump-file into elasticsearch without removing any pre-existent data.
            If you need fresh indices, use the flex:index:delete and flex:index:create rake tasks from your
            application, which will also recreate the mapping.

Common options:
    -f, --file [FILE]                The path of the dumpfile (default: './flex.dump')
    -r, --[no-]verbose               Run verbosely (default: 'true')

Dump options:
    -i, --index [INDEX_OR_INDICES]   The index or comma separated indices to dump (default: all indices)
    -t, --type [TYPE_OR_TYPES]       The type or comma separated types to dump (default: all types)
    -s, --scroll [TIME]              The elasticsearch scroll time (default: 5m)
    -z, --size [SIZE]                The chunk size to dump per shard (default: 50 * number of shards)

Load options:
    -m, --index-map [INDEX_MAP]      The index rename map (example: -m=dumped_index_name:loaded_index_name,a:b)
    -o, --timeout [SECONDS]          The http_client timeout for bulk loading (default: 20 seconds)
    -b, --batch-size [BATCH_SIZE]    The batch size to load (default: 1000)

Other options:
    -v, --version                    Shows the version and exits
    -h, --help                       Displays this screen