How to migrate from flex 0.x

Flex 1.x has changed quite a lot from version 0.x but you need just to rename a few things in order to upgrade it. You should be able to do it in a couple of minutes with just a few search and replace. If you miss any change, flex will work anyway, but will emit a deprecation warning, so keep an eye on the log.


1. Gem changes

Rails Apps

You have to change gem 'flex', :require => 'flex/rails' to simply gem 'flex-rails' in your Gemfile. Run a bundle install and your app should be able to start. Then it will emit the deprecation warnings for the other changes in the log.

Non Rails Apps

If you used model related functionality, you will be required to load the flex-models gem that is now separated by the flex core gem.

2. Configuration Renaming

base_uri > http_client.base_uri

http_client_options > http_client.options

raise_proc > http_client.raise_proc

3. Special Variables

vars[:size] is not a special variable anymore, so it will not be automatically converted to the vars[:params][:size] param anymore. You must set it as a standard param: :params => {:size => size}.

Flex will not emit any warning if you still use the old vars[:size] variable with the intention to change the vars[:params][:size] param: it will just not set the param. If you used the <<size>> tag in any template it will work as long as a :size variable is set. Remember that tags can now refer to nested variables, so you could refer to the vars[:params][:size] param in any template with <<params.size>>.

4. Method Renaming

add > deep_merge! for all variables receivers

info > doc to print the self documentation (e.g. Flex.doc, YourClass.flex.doc (see Self Documentation))

Bulk Support

Flex.bulk(:lines => lines_bulk_string) > Flex.post_bulk_string(:bulk_string => lines_bulk_string)

Flex.process_bulk(:collection => collection) > Flex.post_bulk_collection(collection, options)

Flex.import_collection > Flex.post_bulk_collection

Flex.delete_collection(collection) > Flex.post_bulk_collection(collection, :action => "delete")

5. Modules Renaming

Flex::Loader > Flex::Templates

Flex::Model > Flex::ModelIndexer

Flex::RelatedModel > Flex::ModelSyncer

6. Rake Tasks Renaming

flex:create_indices > flex:index:create

flex:delete_indices > flex:index:delete

Notice: some ENV variable used for the tasks, may also have been renamed (see Rake Tasks)


You may want to check the new documentation in order to take advantage of the new features of the gems. For example, you may want to add Flex::Scopes to some of your classes, or you may want to use the new flex-admin binary and tasks, or live-reindexing your code/index changes, or fine-tuning the configuration of the new flex logger etc. (see Project Overview and Usage Overview)