The scope of the Pagy
class is keeping track of the all integers and variables involved in the pagination. It basically takes a
few integers (such as the count of the collection, the page number, the limit per page, ...), does some simple arithmetic and
creates a very small object that allocates less than 3k of memory.
# set global defaults and extra variables
# they will get merged with every new Pagy instance
Pagy::DEFAULT[:limit] = 25
Pagy::DEFAULT[:some_var] = 'default value'
# create a new instance (usually done automatically by the #pagy controller method)
pagy = Pagy.new(count: 1000, page: 3, instance_var: 'instance var')
#=> #<Pagy:0x000056070d954330 ... >
# fetch variables (with global default)
#=> "default value"
# fetch variables passed to the instance
#=> "instance var"
# fetch instance attributes
#=> 25
# get the page series
#=> [1, 2, "3", 4, 5, 6, 7, :gap, 40]
Global Default
is a globally available hash used to set defaults variables. It is a constant for easy access, but it is
mutable to allow customizable defaults. You can override it in the pagy.rb
initializer file in order to set your own application
global defaults. After you are done, you should freeze
it, so it will not change accidentally. It gets merged with the
variables passed with the new
method every times a Pagy
instance gets created.
You will typically use it in a pagy.rb
initializer file to pass defaults values. For example:
Pagy::DEFAULT[:limit] = 25
Pagy::DEFAULT[:my_option] = 'my option'
This method returns the pathname
of the pagy/gem
root dir. It is useful to get the absolute path of locale and javascript
files installed with the gem.
Notice: If you use the Pagy::Backend
its pagy
method will instantiate and return the Pagy object for you.
The Pagy.new
method accepts a number of variables that will be merged with the Pagy::DEFAULT
hash and will be used to
create the object.
series(size: @vars[:size], _**)
This method is the core of the pagination. It returns an array containing the page numbers and the :gap
to be rendered
with the navigation links (e.g. [1, :gap, 7, 8, "9", 10, 11, :gap, 36]
). It accepts an optional size
keyword argument (only
useful for extras), defaulted on the :size
Gap: added only when necessary
A :gap
is added only where the series is missing at least two pages. When the series is missing only one page, the :gap
replaced with the page link of the actual missing page. That's because the page link uses the same space of the ...
gap but it
is more useful.
The nav helpers basically loop through this array and render the correct item by simply checking its type:
- if the item is an
then it is a page link - if the item is a
then it is the current page - if the item is the
symbol then it is a gap in the series
That is self-contained, simple and efficient.
This method returns an empty array if the :size
variable is set to 0
. Useful to totally skip the generation of page links in the frontend.
It can also return a simpler array without gaps if the passed :size
is a single positive Integer
and the :ends
variable set to false
Label for the current page. Its only function in the Pagy
class is supporting the API of various frontend methods that require
labelling for Pagy::Calendar
instances. It returns the current page label that will get displayed in the helpers.
Label for any page. Its only function in the Pagy
class is supporting the API of various frontend methods that require labelling
for Pagy::Calendar
instances. It returns the page label that will get displayed in the helpers.
All the variables passed to the new method are merged with the Pagy::DEFAULT
hash and are kept in the object, passed
around with it and accessible through the pagy.vars
They can be set globally by using the Pagy::DEFAULT
hash or passed to the Pagy.new
method and are accessible through
the vars
Pagy replaces the blank values of the passed variables with their default values coming from the Pagy::DEFAULT
It also applies to_i
on the values expected to be integers, so you can use values from request params
without any problem.
For example: pagy(some_scope, limit: params[:limit])
will work without any additional cleanup.
The only mandatory instance variable to be passed is the :count
of the collection to paginate: all the other variables are
optional and have sensible defaults. Of course you will also have to pass the page
or you will always get the default page
number 1
. For performance reasons, only the instance variables get validated.
Extras may add and document their own variables
Attribute Readers
Pagy exposes all its internal instance variables through a few readers. They all return integers (or nil
), except the
hash (which contains all the input variables):
Lowest status analysis
The lowest possible status of the pagination is reached when the collection has 0
count. In that case the Pagy object created has
the following peculiar attributes:
Which means:
- there is always a
in the pagination, even if it's empty last
is always at least1
- the
array contains always at least the page #1
, which for a single page is also the current page, thus a string. Withsize: 0
method returns[]
of an empty page are all0
of a single page (not necessary an empty one) are bothnil
(i.e. there is no other page)
A subclass of ArgumentError
that offers a few information for easy exception handling when some of the variable passed to the
constructor is not valid.
rescue Pagy::VariableError => e
e.pagy #=> the pagy object that raised the exception
e.variable #=> the offending variable symbol (e.g. :page)
e.value #=> the value of the offending variable (e.g -3)
Mostly useful if you want to rescue from bad user input (e.g. illegal URL manipulation).
A subclass of Pagy::VariableError
: it is raised when the :page
variable exceeds the maximum possible value calculated for
the :count
, i.e. the :page
variable is in the correct range, but it's not consistent with the current :count
. That may
happen when the :count
has been reduced after a page link has been generated (e.g. some record has been just removed from the
DB). See also the overflow extra.